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Getting a shiny new Android smartphone this holiday season and unsure exactly what to do with it? Never really owned a smartphone before?
Have no fear, because we've put together this list of the top five apps that any new smartphone user should download. These apps will get you started, then fill in with whatever else takes your fancy.

Google Play Music
If you own a stock Android device, such as the Google Nexus 6, your device came with Google Play Music. If not, you need to head straight to Google Play and download it.
Google Play Music is great for a number of reasons. First of all, it's a great music player. It's easy to navigate and it looks great. But the real benefit to Google Play Music is the cloud music storage. Google allows users to store up to 20,000 songs for free online, meaning most people will probably be able to upload their entire iTunes library. From there, users can stream their music to any device that's logged on to their account. Users can also easily store music on their device for offline playing.

For any social-media users out there, Facebook is a must-have on a new smartphone. Not only to keep up with who's dating who and who's eating what, but also because mobile is arguably the most exciting area for Facebook. The number of Facebook mobile users is growing extremely fast, and the company is always experimenting with new features. But of course it's also important to keep up with who's eating

Google Chrome
This is the second Google app on the list and there's a reason for that. Because Google makes Android, all of its apps work seamlessly and are heavily integrated into things like lock screens.
Google Chrome is arguably the best Internet browser, regardless of whether its mobile or which mobile operating system it is. On Android there's really no competition.
Chrome on mobile syncs with the user's Google account, allowing them to open the apps again on desktops. Starting with Android 5.0 Lollipop, tabs in Chrome are also separately found in "recent apps," allowing quick and easy access to each web page that was left open.

Now owned by Facebook, Snapchat has fast become one of the most popular instant messaging apps ever. The service allows users to send messages through a data connection to any of their contacts, quickly and easily. Users who have friends in other countries will greatly appreciate this because it uses data, and hence is free.

Angry Birds
OK, maybe Angry Birds isn't necessary, but it's one of the best-selling mobile games ever, and for good reason. It's challenging, makes you think and heck, there's nothing wrong with having a bit of fun on your new Android smartphone!


  1. For utilities I like, Astro File Manager (nice file manager), Advanced Task Killer (good program killer), Barcode Scanner (must have for QRCodes and other barcodes), Easy Spirit Level (useful for leveling stuff), gUnit Lite (nice unit converter), Metal Detector (fun for showing off your android), Wifi Analyzer, Bible (nice daily verses and devotional). For games I like: GameBoid Lite (gameboy emulator), Mojo Nes Lite (nintendo emulator), Pulse Rider Demo (is hard but fun), Robo Defense (is real fun at first but becomes repetitive), Word Search (have made a game like this for j2me). You might also like my apps: Party Light and Party Light Free.

  2. If you play an instrument, I found the gStrings app to be amazing. You can tune your guitar with your Android phone!!!!

    Kayak - I travel a lot and I love the website. The app is just as good.

    Opera Mini 5 beta - Although it's still in its Beta version, I prefer if to the built-in Android browser.

    Nimbuzz - For Skyping using your phone. So cool!

    FxCamera - Cool LOMO, Fisheye, and Polaroid affects for your phone camera! A ton of fun. I don't think the iPhone has anything like it....

  3. Here is a list of apps i like the look of from Android Market (computer site).

    Ring droid
    daily horoscope
    Gps status
    Wikimobile Encyclopedia
    Speaking pad
    Star translate
    10001 cocktails
    lock 2.0
    i lightr
    Fuel prices plus UK
    Wifi on/off

    Not in any particular order, Android pit first of course :lol:

    What you think, good, bad, better versions to consider ?

    Cheers, Tim.


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