A neutron star is what’s left behind when a star up to 30 times as big as the sun dies in a supernova. According to NASA, a neutron star’s mass is equal to 1.5 times the mass of the sun all squeezed into a ball just 20 kilometers across. NASA says that at the core, a cubic centimeter of a neutron star would outweigh Mount Everest.
When the simulation begins, the stars are a mere 18 kilometers apart.
As they begin to collide, they are deformed by “intense tides,” which NASA says may crack their crusts and unleash their contents.

NASA said most of the matter will eventually be swallowed by the black hole.
NASA researchers theorize that a merger of neutron stars produces short gamma-ray bursts. These bursts last less than two seconds and could unleash as much energy as “as all the stars in our galaxy produce over one year.”
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