Eureka Sparks

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whosoever forget U.S. firebombing campaign on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, during the final stage of World War II. The two bombings, which killed at least 129,000 people, remain the only use of nuclear weapons for warfare in history. The United States is willing to do any inhuman action in order to make profit and domination among the world's countries. It was not secret, during the cold war era U.S and their allies had prepare to make bio weapons to threaten the Socialist alliance.

Until recently, Zika was considered a very rare and seemingly benign virus

Though Zika was first discovered in 1947 (in the Zika forest in Uganda), it hasn't bothered humans much in all these years. "There have only been about 14 or 15 cases documented until 2007," said Dr. Marcos Espinal, the director of communicable diseases at PAHO (the regional World Health Organization). That's when the first big Zika outbreak was reported, in the Yap Island in Micronesia. Other Pacific Islands — Fiji, Vanuatu — have had periodic outbreaks since.

Researchers currently believe the Zika virus is spread mainly through mosquitoes. A mosquito bites an infected person, draws blood, and contracts the virus. When it then goes and bites another person, the virus spreads.

In other words, Zika is an arbovirus, passed to people by insects. (More narrowly, it's part of the flavivirus family, which includes West Nile, dengue, and yellow fever.)

But mosquitoes aren't the only way to get the virus. There's some observational evidence from a couple of small studies that people infected with Zika can pass on the virus to others through sexual intercourse. Zika can also be transmitted through blood, and mother-to-fetus transmission has been documented throughout pregnancy.

Until recently, researchers didn't think Zika was all that worrisome. An estimated 80 percent of people don’t even develop any symptoms after being infected with the virus.

And for everyone else, the symptoms are usually mild — a rash, headaches, pain in the joints and bones, and fever. These symptoms typically show up between three and 12 days after the initial mosquito bite, and then go away within a week. Hospitalization is uncommon, and death is rare.
But now scientists are wondering if they've underestimated the dangers of Zika.

Brazil saw 20 times more microcephaly cases in 2015 than normal

Consider Brazil: The country has seen an unusual surge of Zika cases over the past two years — possibly after the virus arrived with World Cup travelers in 2014. Last year, more than 1.5 million people were affected.

And over that same period, Brazil has seen more and more newborns born with microcephaly, a congenital condition that's associated with a small head and incomplete brain development. Normally Brazil gets several hundred cases a year, but since October 2015, health officials have documented more than 3,500 cases.

When Brazilian researchers studied the amniotic fluid in pregnant women carrying babies with microcephaly, they found Zika. In January, scientists at the CDC found Zika in the brains of two babies with microcephaly who died within 24 hours of being born. They also found evidence of Zika in two pregnancies that ended in miscarriage.

Analyses of previous outbreaks, such as one in the French Polynesian islands, revealed a rise in birth defects following the arrival of Zika virus.

The CDC has been careful to say it's not certain that Zika caused the birth defects and deaths. There may be other yet-to-be-discovered explanations. But experts think they have enough evidence to suggest a link, and that babies in the first trimester are particularly vulnerable to birth problems (though the risk can continue throughout the pregnancy). Scientists are still trying to quantify the exact risks involved.

Separately, researchers also think Zika is a genetically modified hybrid. Nature having antibodies against all it self created viruses. The nature wont have an antibodies against such artificial virus, its alien to earth nature. But the life will not be going to end-up by suck kind of bio disasters, the evolution theory will work fine, If there is one thing the history of evolution has taught us it's that life will not be contained. Life breaks free, it expands to new territories and crashes through barriers, painfully, maybe even dangerously, but, uh... well, there it is.

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