John Fullerton’s white paper, Regenerative Capitalism, lists eight principles critical to systemic economic health. The Capital Institute’s research group, Research Alliance for Regenerative Economics (RARE), uses recent scientific advances—specifically, the physics of flow —to create a logical and measurable explanation of how these principles work to make or break vitality in the human networks of which economies are built. Here we explain why too much inequality is more than a moral problem. In fact, it drives economic systems towards collapse by sucking the life-blood out of real economies worldwide.
According to a recent study by Oxfam International, in 2010 the top 388 richest people owned as much wealth as the poorest half of the world’s population—a whopping 3.6 billion people. By 2014, this number was down to 85 people. Oxfam claims that, if this trend continues, by the end of 2016 the top 1 percent will own more wealth than everyone else in the world combined. At the same time, according to Oxfam, the extremely wealthy are also extremely efficient in dodging taxes, now hiding an estimated $7.6 trillion in offshore tax-havens.
Why should we care about such gross economic inequality? After all, isn’t it natural? The science of flow says: yes, some degree of inequality is natural, but extreme inequality violates two core principles of systemic health: circulation and balance.
5 Expert Predictions for the Global Economy in 2016 - The Atlantic
The world will face economic challenges on multiple fronts in 2016. As the U.S. Federal Reserve begins its monetary tightening, Europe is struggling to manage migrant and debt crises, China’s financial stability is in doubt, and emerging economies are increasingly fragile.
The global economy “could be doing much worse,” writes the Harvard economist Kenneth Rogoff, who is a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Low oil prices and weak currencies are keeping the European and Japanese economies afloat, but Rogoff warns of “a slowing Chinese economy, collapsing commodity prices, and the beginning of the U.S. Federal Reserve’s rate-hiking cycle.”
Emerging economies like Brazil, South Africa, Thailand, and Turkey, rather than China, will be the real sources of concern in 2016, argues U.C. Berkeley’s Barry Eichengreen. With their high levels of short-term debt, these countries are vulnerable to currency crisis, “potentially leading to economic collapse.”
12 trigger events that could unleash economic collapse in the U.S -
As practically the entire world seems to be nearing the end of its run financially, many people are beginning to wonder how much longer America has before our own teetering house of cards finally falls. Nobody can say for sure how it will all play out, of course, but there are a number of potential scenarios that could act as trigger events to bring about a cataclysmic economic collapse here in the United States, in the very near future.According to Jim Willie from, the following imminent events could predicate a complete financial breakdown, unlike anything ever before seen in America:
1) Plummeting oil prices.
2) Bank failures due to oil and gas hedge expiration.
3) Default from emerging market debt.
4) Saudi Arabia concedes to Chinese oil sales with renminbi (RMB) currency.
5) China and Russia inaugurate the Gold Trade Note as currency.
6) Failure of southern European banks leads to 'PIGS' fit.
7) Turkey leaves NATO after suffering military coup to oust Erdogan.
8) Deutsche Bank failure, unsuccessful restructuring, leading to derivative incidents.
9) U.S. Fed hike rate causes immediate derivatives crisis.
10) United States, NATO, British Crown and Vatican exposed as narcotics agents.
11) Evidence put before United Nations on U.S.-U.K.-Israel role in fake ISIS "terror."
12) Assassination of one or more Western political leaders.
Economic collapse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There is no precise definition of an economic collapse. The term has been used to describe a broad range of bad economic conditions, ranging from a severe, prolonged depression with high bankruptcy rates and high unemployment (such as the Great Depression of the 1930s), to a breakdown in normal commerce caused by hyperinflation (such as in Weimar Germany in the 1920s), or even an economically caused sharp rise in the death rate and perhaps even a decline in population (such as in countries of the former USSR in the 1990s).Often economic collapse is accompanied by social chaos, civil unrest and sometimes a breakdown of law and order.
Cheap Oil Edging Us Toward Global Economic Collapse - Forbes
As we’ve discussed in the past two weeks, persistently low oil prices represent a risk on par with the housing bust. And in recent days we’re seeing the signs of another global financial and economic crisis creeping uncomfortably closer to a “round two.” As we’ve said, this time would be much worse because governments and central banks have exhausted the resources to bailout failing banks, companies and countries. But central banks, namely the Bank of Japan and/or the European Central Bank do have the opportunity to step-in here, become an outright buyer of commodities (particularly oil), as part of their QE programs, to avert disaster. But time is the oil industry’s worst enemy and therefore a big threat to the global economy. The longer policymakers drag their feet, the closer we get to the edge of global crisis — a crisis manufactured by OPEC’s price war.
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