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Preparatory work

I suggest a good solid foundation in the basics of ceremonial magic before attemting your first evocation. This means a good couple of years of practice in my opinion. you should at least have the basic Rituals memorised eg: LBRP, BRH,The MP etc if you dont know what I am talking about you are not ready. you must have a basic understanding of energy work and have developed some Astral Abilities like scrying and visualisation. I suggest working through Benjamin Rowe's "A Short Course in Scrying" in our PDF Library. Working through the Exercises In the "Summoning Spirits" Book by "Konstantinos" is suggested. Develop astral sense and evoke astrally first. Another suggestion is to find a reputable group or mentor that can assist you.

You are not ready when
* You still ask what are the basic rituals.
* You question the strength of your circle.
* You cannot sense your circle/astral sense to communicate with the entities.
* You are affraid of darkness and demons.
* You have little to no idea on how to astrally protect yourself.
*You have not achieved Deity assumption or Knowledge and Conversation of HGA:- especially with respect to Goetic evocation or any other evocation of what could be called demons.

Firstly what is Evocation?

Evocation is the art of calling up a spirit to plain sight for the purposes of conversing with it and or charging the spirit with a task. There are many ways of accomplishing this Namely.

1: Solomonic (Goetia, Almadel, Greater and Lesser Keys of Solomon. Dark mirror, crystal ball .Triangle of art
2: Abramelin. (The Holy Guardian Angel system)
3: Enochian (Dee and Kelley. Watchtower Tablets and Calls)
4: Bardonian (Franz Bardon. Visualization training).
5: Shamanic (Voudan , African, Santeria, Folkways, Freestyle)

The most famous being that method detailed in The Lesser Key of Solomon the King, also called the Goetia.Techniques of this art include the knowledge of the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram(LBRP) as well as other methods of banishing/protection against any entity being called forth. The spirit, however, even in evocation, is not always commanded, but requested to do a task by charging it.

Evocation vs. Invocation

InsensesWith invocation the spirit in question is invoked into your circle or temple. No protective devises are used against it, and it is done by request, not force. This also may happen unintentionally when a god is addressed in prayer or other devotional practices and decides to talk back.

With evocation however the spirit is summoned by force or by request, using various god names and magical words. The spirit is then forced or channeled to appear inside a device specially made for this purpose, mostly a round black mirror mounted in a triangle with various god names written on the sides of the triangle. This evokes the spirit inside the round black mirror and the triangle imprisons the spirit within it. Then you can ask the spirit to do your bidding.

So where with invocation the spirit is asked freely to come, and can do as it pleases. With evocation however the spirit is summoned forcefully and contained within a special devise. It should be obvious that higher spirits shouldn't be evoked, since it will prove hard to contain them and they will not be pleased by it.

Often invocation involves allowing the invoked entity into one's own mind or even body and converse with them this way, or even allow them to take over and speak through the practitioner. There are several terms for that, including horseing (the spirit rides the practitioner, used in a voodoo/santeria/hoodoo context) and aspecting (=experiencing aspects of the evoked entity directly). Some magicians use the term invocation only when such contact is included, no matter weather thee invoked entity was asked or brought on forcefully, others stress the aspect of the entity's freedom to come and go. Such contact may be called possession when the practitioner looses control over the process.

The possibility of possession doesn't need to be feared by a mentally stable practitioner who work responsibly. But its it obvious why one shouldn't invoke anybody and everything indiscriminately.

The Triangle Of Art

Triangle of Solomon

The triangle of art is the protected space outside the magic circle, into which spirits are compelled to appear in Solomonic ritual magic. Typically, the central circle is inscribed with the sigil (seal) of the spirit to be invoked. The usual form is of a triangle, circumscribed with various words of power, containing an inner, blackened circle.

The purpose of the triangle is to contain the manifested entity or focus its energy there is debate on this issue. In some cases, the triangle is created as a physical object; sometimes, the central circle is replaced with a black scrying mirror.

Inscribed on the Triangle are the 3 Sacred names of God - Tetragrammaton, Primeumaton, and Anaphaxeton one on each side and it has the name Michael (Archangel Michael) which is split into 3 sections MI - CHA - EL. This contains and focus' the spirit

Tetragrammaton - The sacred name of God. In Hebrew "four-letter word" or symbol meaning yod-ye-vau-he (YHWH) and signifying Yahweh. It is pronounced in Hebrew as "Adomai," and written generally as JHYH with variations of JHVH or YHVH. In English it became Jehovah.

Anaphaxeton - "Great God of all the heavenly hosts" A high holy angel of the lord. Anaphaxeton was also a deity used by Aaron

- "Thou who art the First and the Last." Another Godname

Carroll Poke Runyon in the circle. Standing outside the circle You can quite clearly see the triangle of art.

Solo Evocation and Evocation using a Seer

The Conjurer

The Conjurer is in charge of the operation, and is thus responsible for initiating any conversation. He always has a clear idea of what the purpose of the evocation is and directs the conversation accordingly.

Be polite and respectful in your dealings with the spirits. They will almost always respond in kind. Speak clearly. Listen.

Remember that you are speaking to the spirit, not to the Seer, and direct your attention accordingly.

Always take steps to verify the identity of the spirit before moving on to serious conversation. Make sure that you are talking to who you think that you’re talking to.

Seek to get as much information about the spirit as possible. This is especially important in Enochian evocations, where the duties and services of the spirits are not clearly defined.

Avoid unnecessary banter, but do attempt to follow up loose ends in conversation. For example, if a spirit cannot perform the service you requested, ask him why. Do they know who can accomplish this task?

The Seer

The Seer relays all information that he/she receives. This is primarily audio/visual information, but it may involve the other senses as well.

At the beginning of the evocation proper, describe the initial visual information before the Conjurer engages in serious conversation. This information includes the appearance of the spirit as well as the setting in which it appears.

Dialogue with the spirit is relayed in the first person. Additional information that may be confused with the dialogue is preceded with the term “Seer’s note.” For example: “Seer’s note: The spirit does not seem to understand what you are talking about.”

Keep the Conjurer informed at all times. It is the Conjurer’s responsibility to take care of any problems that may arise, but he can only do so if he knows what’s going on.

It is the Seer’s responsibility to make sure that the spirit departs when dismissed, that all traces of it are gone, and to inform the Conjurer of this fact before the circle is broken.

Credit Frater Osiris 2004

the image above is from that video you can see the seer in front of poke.

Example outline of the preparation and evocation outline.


Make sure your tools are consecrated appropriately before the working

-Robe, Ring, and Lamen
-Sword or Wand
-triangle of Art/Crystal (if you are scrying the spirit)
-Perfumes/Incence and Censer
-Magickal Journal or Notebook

Ritual outline:
-A preliminary prayer (improvised is best)

-Statement of Intent

-Banishing of the Chamber (LBRP,BRH)

-Setting of the Astral Defenses (includes creating the astral circle)
Solomonic Circle

-Empowering Ritual (Bornless ritual)

-Charging the Chamber
The charging of the chamber has to do with either a planetary, elemental, or zodialogical ritual to charge the chamber with resonant energies of the Spirit see Crowley' 777. Using example of the Spirit Belial you could use pyrite, solary plants (like saffron, sunflower, laurel and frankincense) and solar stones (such as ruby, yellow topaz and carbuncle). Small figurines of a sun, a hawk, a king, a scepter, and/or a throne.

-Sigil of the entity (From personal experience use the proper metals for the seals)
A Goetic "King" (a Solar spirit) like Belial would be in sympathy with the metals gold (from which his Seal should be made)
Have a Look at this link for examples of Goetic Sigils

--Conjurations and Repetition of the Name of the Spirit

Holding the Sigil of the spirit in your hands gaze into it and repeat the name of the spirit over and over for at least 10 min. Then gaze into the black mirror (or crystal ball) and concentrate while reciting the following...

I evoke and conjure thee, O spirit "Insert Spiritname here" by the Supreme Majesty - the true God who is known by the names of YOD HEH VAV HEH (yode-heh-vahv-heh), ADONAI (ah-doe-ney), EHEIEH (eh-hey-yay), and AGLA (ah-gah-lah) to appear before me in this mirror (or crystal ball) in a fair and comely shape.

Continue to gaze into the mirror until the image of the entity becomes clear to see. When you can see the entity then ask it "what is thy name?" If it gives the correct answer then ask it to sign its name in the space surrounding it. If the spirit turns out to be someone else then you can ask it to leave or ask what its purpose of coming before you. If it is the correct spirit then you must welcome it by saying...

In peace I welcome you, O spirit Eg "Spiritname", and in the name of the Most High I command you to stay within this mirror until you are dismissed, to speak honestly and to answer all questions truthfully that I put before you.

Now you may ask the questions that you wish to put before him. Make sure that you are polite and not rude in any way, for you must treat these spiritual beings with the total respect. You may also command it do do certain tasks for you, but if you ask it to do things that might harm someone then you will at sometime suffer the penalties. Once you are done with the spirit, you must license him to depart. Take note that you must give this dismissal even if the entity does not show itself, for it could actually be there and you not know it and then you would have a spirit hanging around

- Thanksgivings

- Licenses to Depart

Go in peace and return to your sphere of origin, O Spirit "Spiritname" by the authority of the True God, I command thee to harm none as you depart, and to be ready to come quickly if called upon again.

- Statement of End of Rite.

- Banishing of the Chamber
*the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram or Hexagram if required!
BANISH, BANISH, BANISH! extremely important even if you don't think the evocation went successfully. Or if the spirit did not appear banish Anyway

- A prayer of thanks to your god.

- Take Notes

- Go and do something to get you out of the magickal mindset and the Lingering effects of the working .. Watch a movie, play video games or cook etc.

Recommended Reading:

-Book 4 by Aleister Crowley
-Summoning Spirits by Konstantinos
-The Lesser Key Of Solomon - Joseph Peterson Version
-The Book Of Solomons Magic - Carroll Poke Runyon
-The Goetia of Dr Rudd - Skinner , Rankine
-Secrets of the Magickal Grimoires - Aaron Leitch
-Goetic Evocation: The Magician's Workbook Volume 2 - Steve Savedowe


This is a very rough overview of Solomonic evocation. . This article is to show you what you would do if you were experienced in the Arts. If you attempt this... you do so at your own risk! This is strictly for educational purposes only! I have intentionaly left out the detail.

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